作者:请叫俺洋葱    2013-10-12    女性 贫困 小额信贷  来源:TED  

Jackley 六岁的时候第一次听到了贫困这个概念——从主日学里学到的。同时,主日学的老师告诉她,她应该去帮助穷人。可是圣经上也告诉她,穷困非人之力可以克服,它将与我们同在。在长大的过程中,她努力做一个“好人”,捐款、做好事,你能想到的,她应该都做过。可是,那样的感觉越来越强烈——她其实深深地对自己相对富足的状态感到惭愧。捐款好像只是为了填平内心的羞愧感——为她其实什么都没有做,就拥有了相对富足的生活。

她很迷茫。直到听到了Grameen Bank 尤努斯教授的演讲,她豁然开朗。她了解到了小额信贷的原理,她了解到原来只要一点点的起始资金,穷人就可以创造不同。所以她辞掉了工作,跑到非洲,成立了Kiva——一个在线募款网站,只需要你愿意借出25美金,就能和很多人的钱一起,借给发展中国家需要小额信贷的人们。最美好的地方是,他们会还款,你的25美金还可以再借给其他人,不断地发挥效力。

到今天, 有 1,001,542人通过Kiva为“穷人”提供小额信贷,交易金额超过四亿八千万美金。还款率高达 99.03%……  这些数字的背后,是一个又一个鲜活的故事。



Quotable quotes:

“The stories we tell about each other matter very much. The stories we tell ourselves, about our own lives, matter. And most of all, the way we participate in each other’s stories, is of deep importance.”

“I was giving to alleviate my own suffering and not someone else’s. Truth be told, I was giving out of that place, and not from a genuine place of hope, and excitement to help and of generosity. It became a transaction for me, a trade. I was buying my right to go on with my day.”

“I did hear stories of change, and stories of life change, and amazing little details of change. I would hear of goat herders who had bought more goats, their business trajectory would change. They would make a little bit more money, they standard of living would shift and get better. And, they would make little adjustments in their life, like send their children to school, they might be able to buy mosquito nets, buy a lock for the door and feel secure or maybe they could put sugar in their tea and offer it to me, which made them feel proud.”

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