
Tags: Causes, Activism, Action, Giving Communities, Community, Giving Community, Joe Green, Facebook Causes, Facebook
Care2 为所有想创造美好未来的人们提供有用的行动工具。作为一个注册为B Crop的企业,他们希望用商业的力量为这个世界创造更多价值。
Tags: Petition, Petitions, Care2, Community, Doing Good, Healthy Living
Idealist 把人们、组织 和资源联系起来,以帮助建立一个所有人都能享有自由和有尊严的生活的世界。Idealist 是个独立于政治意识形态或宗教教条的组织。是我们的成员及伙伴的共同愿望在指引我们的工作,我们希望能找到实际的方法来解决社会和环境问题,并献上我们的慷慨友好及互敬互爱的精神。
Tags: Nonprofit Jobs, Intern, Work, Internship, Idealist.org, Change, Change The World
Do Good
Tags: DoGood, Gospel, Communities
Social Actions
Social Action组织使人们更容易发现及分享改变世界的机遇。为自己所关心的事业出一分力吧,Social Action给你最全力的支持。与各大资源合作并进,推动社会创新者的进程。开发开放资源软件,为网络加入慈善元素。
Tags: Social Actions
Tags: Shoestring, Marketing, Communications, Nonprofit
Tags: Protest, Human Rights, People Powered Politics, Campaigns, Take Action, Avaaz
Tags: Action, Broadcause, Campaign
Do Good App
Tags: Do Good, App
Tags: Change.org, Campaign, Petition, Change
Random Acts of Kindness
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation是善举运动的核心组织,它的目标是通过激发人们的善举意识,共同创造更美好的世界。在此网络平台上,传媒、教育、社区、社交网络和娱乐项目将人们联系在一起,用灵感、工具、资源和更庞大的支援网络帮助人们用行动参与到世界善举中去,发现并分享生活及社会中的美好。
Tags: Random Acts Of Kindness, Resources, Awareness
Doing Good
Doing Good is dedicated to empowering the underserved to help others and contribute to a world-changing cycle of good. Through monetary support, feature stories, volunteer opportunities, and much more, we are taking back our world by doing good and making a difference in others’ lives.
In addition to connecting people and organizations, Doing Good™ expands the scope of The Stafford Foundation by encouraging everyone to get out and make a difference. 
Tags: Doing Good, Underserved, The Stafford Foundation
为了完成Tripping“让这个世界变得更好”的任务,我们创建了针对那些在全球积极地改变社会的人和组织Do Good Things(做好事)的环节。这是一个以社会事物为主题的开放的平台,我们会重点关注那些有良好名誉的非盈利组织,并推动志愿服务的机会,鼓励Tripping的成员不论是在家还是在外旅行都积极参与。
Tags: Tripping, Traveling, Volunteer, Abroad
Blue Dot
Blue Dot is really simple to use: you do good, by promoting a non-profit on Facebook, sharing with your friends, donating to a charity etc and you get Blue Dots in your ‘Active CV’ account. Employers love this and it could help you get promoted or even a new job. Then you can also trade Dots for loads of great free offers, tickets & downloads, as a thank-you for all your great work.
Tags: Blue Dot, Facebook, CV, Trade
Create The Good
在Create The Good,我们让善良的人们有机会实现积极的影响。
Tags: Create The Good, Connect, Positive
Ashoka Changemakers® provides the tools and resources to empower everyone to contribute to a better world. Our community's mission is to grow new ideas through transparency and collaboration, a process of Open Growth. No matter where you are starting, or where you are going, Changemakers makes it easier to share an idea, track progress, communicate with supporters, and invest in global change.
Tags: Ashoka, Changemakers, Open Growth
See Click Fix
在See Click Fix,每个人都可以在站点上报告自己临近地区的不紧急问题——谁家的篱笆坏了狗狗老跑出来之类,政府和邻居看到问题之后可以积极在线下解决。通过这样的方式,See Click Fix觉得可以营造一个美好的社区环境。
Tags: SeeClickFix, Report, Track
The 30 Project
The 30 Project 帮助组织和活动团体展望接下来30年和食物系统的发展:有关解决饥饿、肥胖症和粮食问题。
Tags: 30 Project, Obesity, Hunger
Take Part
成立于2008年的TakePart是一家数字媒体和课题解决服务机构,服务形式包括文本内容、产品实物和服务方案,均用于激励、鼓励和点燃人们对日常改变世界善行的关注。TakePart是Participant Media娱乐公司的分支机构,这家公司专注于记录和编辑有关改变生活真是报道的电影、影视剧、出版物和数码信息的生产
Tags: Media, Awareness, Digital, Take Part
ONE 是一个针对极端贫困和传染性疾病的草根宣传和活动组织,特别是在非洲,通过提高公众意识和政治领导人施压以支持智能有效的政策和项目,如拯救生命,帮助孩子复学及改善未来。由波诺和其他人士共同创办的ONE 是无党派的,它与非洲活动家及政策制定者密切合作。
Tags: U2, Bono, Poverty, Fighting Poverty, Africa, ONE, One International
Do Something
他们热爱儿童!儿童有趣、富有创造力和活力,而且……有时候很奇怪……Do Something关注儿童的创造力和无限能量。
Tags: Do Something, DoSomething.Org, Teens, Campaign, Youth
Tags: UNICEF, World, Children, Global
Mercy Corps
Our mission: to alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities
Tags: Mercy Corps
Tags: Landsea, Land Rights
TechnoServe helps entrepreneurial men and women in poor areas of the developing world to build businesses that create income, opportunity and economic growth for their families, their communities and their countries.
Tags: Technoserve, Entrepreneurs, Business
Ashoka envisions an Everyone A Changemaker™ world: a world that responds quickly and effectively to social challenges, and where each individual has the freedom, confidence and societal support to address any social problem and drive change. Ashoka strives to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers. 
Tags: Ashoka, Social Challenges, Citizen
Ocean Conservancy
Tags: Ocean Conservancy, Sustainability
Natural Resources Defense Council
Tags: Natural Resources Defense Council, Environment, Sustainability, NRDC
Voice of Witness
Voice of Witness是一个501(c)(3)注册的非营利丛书,赋予那些受到当代社会不公的人能够。用口述历史做为基础,丛书通过故事的男性和女性经验描绘了世界各地的人权危机。
Tags: Voice Of Witness, Action, Human Rights, Social Injustice
Purpose creates 21st century movements. We deploy the collective power of millions of citizens and consumers to help solve some of the world’s biggest problems. We develop and launch our own social and consumer movements using our model of movement entrepreneurship, and we work with organizations and progressive companies to help them mobilize large-scale, purposeful action.
Tags: Purpose, Unity, Action
AOK is a 'social game for good' that makes sharing positive actions playful, rewarding and impactful. When you post an AOK (any positive action or observation) you're rewarded with Cause Currency points (or sponsored prizes) which are donated to real world causes and organizations that further social good!
Tags: AOK, Online, Social, Doing Good, App
One Change
One Change是一家独特额非盈利、无党派草根机构,致力于关注例如大气环境等、影响每个个体发展的全球环境问题,鼓励人们采用小而精巧的方式去保护环境。其发展目标是希望通过在基层社区进行创造性的社区市场集会,将有关工具和信息传递给社区民主,促进有关环境保护的念头可以转化成能付诸实践的行动。
Tags: Environment, Community, Simple Actions, One Change
ioby带动针对社区的生活环境项目。Ioby连接实地项目的人与钱,所有项目由社区邻居构思、设计,这样可以确保社区项目得到更多支持以及更大程度地被执行。 成功的项目将被放大,将影响扩散到其他社区乃至整个城市。成为Ioby项目中的一员,参与其中,你将可以看到整个项目如何被推动,如何被执行,最终结果是怎么样的。
Tags: New York, Local, Community, Environment, Neighbors, Neighborhoods, Green, Change
SeaWeb is the only international, nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to using the science of communications to fundamentally shift the way people interact with the ocean. We transform knowledge into action by shining a spotlight on workable, science-based solutions to the most serious threats facing the ocean, such as climate change, pollution and depletion of marine life.
Tags: Ocean, Conservation, Seafood, Science, SeaWeb
Water For People
Water For People 将当地的创业家、公民社会、政府和社区聚集在一起,建立创新、合作的解决方法,使人们能建立和维持可靠和安全的水系统。通过增权赋能的活动,人们的健康和经济生产力得到提高,就能摆脱贫困的牢笼,改造人们的生活。
Tags: Water, Health, Systems, Collaboration, Water For People
Hope Phones
我们在2009年创造了Hope Phones campaign (希望手机运动),作为一种创新的活动方式来帮助全球医疗环境,我们的总组织,通过移动技术促进11个国家的医疗发展。一百万台手机被丢弃在美国,与塑料和持久性有毒物质如铅、镍、铍、镉一起污染环境。通过Hope Phones campaign (希望手机运动)我们班在创建一个真实的公共卫生环境的同时,减少了社区的危险废物。 如果Hope Phones(希望手机运动)可以每年回收处理丢弃的手机中的1%,可以造益100万的卫生工作者,改善了5000万人的生活。
Tags: Hope Phones, Mobile, Telephones, Healthcare, Cell Phone
Do Good Experience
The Do Good Experience is a nationwide movement that inspires a new generation in the present, so that they may continue to impact the future. It’s the idea of not just hearing but doing. Through stories of renewal the Do Good Experience aims to distribute resources that educate and motivate youth to serve their communities daily.
Tags: Do Good Experience, Youth
StartSomeGood empowers people from around the world to become social innovators. By connecting social entrepreneurs with the financial and intellectual capital they need to transform an idea for improving the world into a reality, together we can turn ideas into action and impact.
We’ve taken the crowdfunding model -- which is growing in popularity world-wide -- and customized it to reflect the unique needs of social entrepreneurs.
Tags: StartSomeGood, Fundraising, Social Entrepreneurs, Crowdfunding
Taproot is a nonprofit organization that makes business talent available to organizations working to improve society. We engage the nation’s millions of business professionals in pro bono services both through our award-winning programs and by partnering with companies to develop their pro bono programs. One day, we envision all organizations with promising solutions will be equipped to successfully take on urgent social challenges.
Tags: Taproot, Pro Bono
Wild Gift
What do social entrepreneurs need to create positive change? Wild Gift combines astute business mentoring with a collective wilderness experience that aligns values, develops leadership skills, and creates bonds with other change-makers.
Tags: Wild Gift, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Wilderness
Global Changemakers
Global Changemakers was founded in 2007 when six young activists, brought together by the British Council, were invited to lend the ‘voice of youth’ to the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. Since then, the network has grown to a community of over 730 Changemakers in 121 countries world-wide. The mission of the programme is to empower youth to catalyse positive social change. It has expanded since its inception, and is now built on three pillars: Learning, Doing and Advocacy.
Tags: Global Changemakers, Social Change, Advocacy
Mother's Day Movement
每一年Mothers' Day Movement 会为501c-3慈善机构组织筹款活动,这些慈善组织致力于提高妇女和儿童的生活,它们可能在发展中国家运行或就在美国本土。
Tags: Mother's Day, Mother's Day Movement, Mothers, Motherhood, Family, Charity
United Way Worldwide
United Way Worldwide is the leadership and support organization for the network of nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways in 45 countries and territories. We envision a world where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through education, income stability and healthy lives.
Tags: United Way, Community
Develop Africa
Develop Africa is a 501c3 non-profit organization working to establish meaningful and sustainable development in Africa.  Develop Africa was birthed out of the vision that human resource development is the key to improving nation building capacity in Africa. 
Develop Africa is involved in a range of programs in Africa supporting education, microfinance and small businesses, job skills / leadership development training etc. For instance, we make a difference by providing books, school and teaching supplies, and scholarships. Additionally, we help provide job-related training to youths. We also help businesses by providing training and start-up or growth funds.
Tags: Develop Africa, Human Resource, Education, Nation Building
Urban Zen
Urban Zen 基金会创造、联系并合作以提高健康、文化保护和儿童身心成长方面的意识并促进改变。 Urban Zen 设计论坛,并同现存机构合作,将专家们集合在一起设想解决方法并采取行动。
Tags: Urban Zen Foundation, Culture, Preservation, Well-Being, Haiti, Artisans, Patient Care, Health, Yoga, Children, Awareness, Inspiration, Health Care, Donna Karan, Healing