
Idealist 把人们、组织 和资源联系起来,以帮助建立一个所有人都能享有自由和有尊严的生活的世界。Idealist 是个独立于政治意识形态或宗教教条的组织。是我们的成员及伙伴的共同愿望在指引我们的工作,我们希望能找到实际的方法来解决社会和环境问题,并献上我们的慷慨友好及互敬互爱的精神。
Tags: Nonprofit Jobs, Intern, Work, Internship, Idealist.org, Change, Change The World
Do Good
Tags: DoGood, Gospel, Communities
Random Acts of Kindness
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation是善举运动的核心组织,它的目标是通过激发人们的善举意识,共同创造更美好的世界。在此网络平台上,传媒、教育、社区、社交网络和娱乐项目将人们联系在一起,用灵感、工具、资源和更庞大的支援网络帮助人们用行动参与到世界善举中去,发现并分享生活及社会中的美好。
Tags: Random Acts Of Kindness, Resources, Awareness
Take Part
成立于2008年的TakePart是一家数字媒体和课题解决服务机构,服务形式包括文本内容、产品实物和服务方案,均用于激励、鼓励和点燃人们对日常改变世界善行的关注。TakePart是Participant Media娱乐公司的分支机构,这家公司专注于记录和编辑有关改变生活真是报道的电影、影视剧、出版物和数码信息的生产
Tags: Media, Awareness, Digital, Take Part
ONE 是一个针对极端贫困和传染性疾病的草根宣传和活动组织,特别是在非洲,通过提高公众意识和政治领导人施压以支持智能有效的政策和项目,如拯救生命,帮助孩子复学及改善未来。由波诺和其他人士共同创办的ONE 是无党派的,它与非洲活动家及政策制定者密切合作。
Tags: U2, Bono, Poverty, Fighting Poverty, Africa, ONE, One International
Purpose creates 21st century movements. We deploy the collective power of millions of citizens and consumers to help solve some of the world’s biggest problems. We develop and launch our own social and consumer movements using our model of movement entrepreneurship, and we work with organizations and progressive companies to help them mobilize large-scale, purposeful action.
Tags: Purpose, Unity, Action
Tags: Six Degrees, Kevin Bacon, Charity Badge, Fundraising Badge, Community, Online Communities, Fundraising Kit
Rainbow World Fun
Rainbow World Fund 是一个建立在男女同性恋、双性恋、变性人(LGBT)和友人社区的国际人道主义援助慈善机构。
Tags: LGBT, Rainbow World Fund, Gay, Community
The Urban Etiquette Project
Urban Etiquette主要是一系列可下载的可打印的卡片,借卡片发起对都市圈中公共秩序、行为和规章的探讨。项目的卡片列举了不受欢迎的行为以及如何识别善举。
Tags: Urban Etiquette Project, Respect, Civility, Christopher Rouleau, Toronto
Storytellers For Good
Storytellers for Good是由一群富有激情和正义感的记者、摄影师组织的团队,致力于将专业技能应用在正面信息报道中。目标是发现和推动那些从事善行的个人和机构事迹报道。
Tags: Inspirational, Positive, Journalism, Videos, Stories
Share A Story
Share A Story is a social initiative to discover powerful personal stories from around the world because we believe the 'right' story has the power to ignite change. Share a story today!
Tags: Share A Story, Imagination
Way is  a game where two players on separate screens have to solve a puzzle together, nonverbally. Both lack a common language yet are joined by a shared goal,
Tags: Way, Puzzle, Communal, Way Game
Humans of New York
HONY resulted from an idea that I had to construct a photographic census of New York City. I thought it would be really cool to create an exhaustive catalogue of the city’s inhabitants, so I set out to photograph 10,000 New Yorkers and plot their photos on a map.  I worked for several months with this goal in mind.  But somewhere along the way, HONY began to take on a much different character.  I started collecting quotes and short stories from the people I met, and began including these snippets alongside the photographs.  Taken together, these portraits and captions became the subject of a vibrant blog, which over the past two years has gained hundreds of thousands of followers.  
Tags: New York, People, City, Photograph, Everyday, Blog, Tumblr
The Acoustic Guitar Project
The Acoustic Guitar Project was created to help musicians reconnect to the original moment that inspired them to be singer-songwriters. 
Musicians participating in The Acoustic Guitar Project are given one week to create an original song using only the guitar and recording device provided. There’s no editing on the computer, and they have to get it all in one live take.
Tags: The Acoustic Guitar Project, Guitar, Song, Original, Dave Adams, Music, Perform, Singer, Song-Writer, Composition, Inspire
Open Culture
Open Cultuer 为全球从事终身学习的机构提供高质量的有关文化和教育的媒体综合信息。
Tags: Open Culture, Education
We all love doing things as a group. Like with a lot of experiences, it's not what you do – it’s the people you do it with that matters more.
At Crowdtilt, we’re trying to make it easier for groups to do things together. Whether it’s a party-bus to the next Phish show or pooling money for a cause you know your close friends are passionate about – we just want to make that process of grouping those funds as easy as possible.
Tags: Crowdtilt, Crowdfunding, Group Funding, Social Life, Friends, Network, Nonprofits
Amnesty International
Tags: Amnesty International, Human Rights
Life Vest Inside
Tags: Life Vest Inside, Kindness, Potential
Tags: Shareable, Sharing, Magazine, Share
United Planet
United Planet (UP) 是一个国际性的非盈利组织,它致力于创造一个所有人都互相理解、尊重和支持的世界。United Planet 的全球领导者和志愿者网络培育跨文化的交流理解并面对共同的挑战来跨越国界团结世界。
Tags: United Planet, Volunteering, Cross-cultural
Women for Women International
Women for Women International希望未来的世界没有任何人被虐待、被歧视、忍受贫穷的痛苦、不能接受教育。他们现在主要与妇女团体合作,但是为全球不公发声是他们一直以来的使命。
Tags: Women For Women, Women Empowerment
Africa Yoga Project
The Africa Yoga Project (AYP) 组织通过瑜伽练习实现转型、赋权和改变。我们提供富有创造性的项目从而促进和平、改善身体、情绪和精神健康,支持自我满足并创造在东非各社区学习和帮助的机会。
Tags: Africa Yoga Project, Health, Kenya, Transformation, Paige Elenson, Baron Baptiste
Thanksfa™ is the place for easily and openly sharing your lasting online thank you, thanks, gratitude or appreciation with the worldwide community. One of the simple things that positively binds us as a worldwide community is sharing our appropriate and sincere thank you, thanks, gratitude or appreciation openly; ie, universally within and across all cultures. We hope that making it easier to share thanks may also enhance the individual and collective sense of benefit, goodwill or gratefulness among Thanksfa™ givers, recipients and others globally.
Tags: Thanksfa, Appreciation, Thank You, Gratitude
Uniiverse is an online community marketplace for people to create and discover services and activities near them. Users can share their interests, resources, time, space, skills, and knowledge in real life - for free, or to make a little bit of money. We enable users to share their passions, become entrepreneurs, meet like minded people, and live smarter. 
Tags: Uniiverse, Sharing, Entrepreneurs, Community Marketplace
Gigglers.tv is an online video channel that plays hundreds of video clips of people laughing from around the globe. The platform allows users to upload their own videos of people laughing and share specific laughs with friends.
The site operates by curatorship; we search for the funniest videos on the web and edit the most entertaining parts into a 10 second clip.
Laughter is a border crossing universal language with proven therapeutic effects on the mind and body. Giggles.tv aspires to make this fact known through our motto spread the laugh, and turn the world into a happier place.
Tags: Gigglers.tv, Laughter, Funny, Fun, Emotion, Clips, Video, Online, Playlist
The Universal Peace Wheel Celebration
The Universal Peace Wheel celebrates what it means to be alive, and life itself. You are invited, as individual, team, or organization to create practical acts of peace on a shared date to honor our precious human experience here on earth. 

Tags: Universal Peace Wheel Celebration, Nevada, Peace
The Simple Good
The goal of this global project is to bring into focus the incredible things that surround us in our every-day world by sharing images and perspectives from around the world.
Whether it is a delicate flower, random street art, a kind gesture, or anything and everything that is simply good - these images represent the extraordinary yet basic things that connect us to one another and to our world.
Tags: Good, Simple Good, Photography, Visuals, Pictures
Social media is an easy way to say something, but it’s a difficult way to be heard. Thunderclap is the first-ever crowdspeaking platform that helps users be heard by saying something together. It allows a single message to be mass-shared, flash mob-style, that rises above the noise of your social networks. By boosting the signal at the same time, Thunderclap helps a single person create action and change like never before.
Tags: Crowdspeaking, Facebook, Message, Spread, Cause
Knodes is a platform that analyzes your supporters social data — not just check-ins, not just likes, but actual conversations — and creates searchable maps of their worlds. Which people are relative to what topics? How close is one supporter to everyone else in her network? Which of her friends will care about your causes and campaigns?
SmartShare is the first Knodes’ product that builds on this platform to show your users who in their network they should SmartShare your content with. 
Our team wants to make the entire web more personal and better connected by drawing insights from social and personal data to make every application smarter.
Tags: Knodes, SmartShare, Social, Data, Conversations, Causes, Supporters, Connect