
In a short period of time ONEHOPE Wine has become one of the most recognizable cause brands in the United States of America. The charitable company has grown rapidly over the past three years due to a respected and positive presence in all charitable fields.
ONEHOPE has become the socially conscious wine of choice at several hundred premier events including the Grammy’s, The American Red Cross Gala, the BAFTA’s, Sundance Film Festival and VH1 Save the Music.
Tags: ONEHOPE, Wine, Company, Donate, Causes, California, Coffee, Charity
Cultivate Wines
Wines with a Why. Our business is wine, our mission is a fuller life for all. Making great wines, giving away 10% of sales, encouraging all to Cultivate Life.
Tags: Cultivate Wines, Wine, Giving, Donation, Charity, Customes, Social Enterprise, Clientele
Box Play
We make eco-friendly, 100% recycled, custom-designed stickers that (combined with a little imagination) turn any old box into a wonderland of possibilities. Good for the imagination. Good for the earth. Good for the pocketbook.
Tags: Kids, Eco-Friendly, Recycled, Toy, Sticker, Creative, BoxPlay
Smile Squared
在访问中美洲的人道主义之旅中,Smile Squared的创始人看见了多少牙齿健康影响了一个孩子的一生。全球各地的孩子们缺少必要的口腔卫生去维护质量健康和自信。Smile Squared的诞生就是希望能给每一个孩子拥有干净、健康的牙齿的机会。我们的“买一送一“理念确保您的购买行为能够直接影响世界。无论何时,只要你买一支Smile Squared的牙刷,我们便会寄一支给需要的孩子。在一起,我们可以用小步走出大变化。
Tags: Smile Squared, Dental Care, Toothbrush, Latin America
Lucy & Mei
Our mission is to be the best online source for high quality organic children's clothing. Our fabrics are incredibly soft, made from sustainable fabrics such as, organic cotton, bamboo, and soy.  Many of our products are manufactured specifically for children who have sensitivities to seams, tags, and tight fitting clothing.  
Most of our products are GOTS Certified Organic Cotton and therefore, are produced without harmful pesticides from field to finishing. We are committed to working with companies that engage in socially responsible labor practices, and leave a light footprint on the planet. 
Tags: Fashion, Clothes, Lucy & Mei, Fabrics
Tags: Clothing, Children, Fashion, Style, Donation, Charity, Cotton, California, Ever/after, Ever, After
The Pencil Promise
The Pencil Promise is based on a simple premise: for every backpack you buy, we deliver a backpack- filled with school supplies- to a child in need around the world.
Tags: The Pencil Promise, Education, Children, Classroom, School, School Supplies, Pen, Paper, Backpack
AFIA是非洲西部加纳一个生产女装的优秀的可持续生产线。 设计师梅根在首都阿克拉市场精选棉蜡面料,我们在加纳用织物印花生产女装。在加纳我们选择与给工人合理工资的缝纫合作社合作。
Tags: Ghana, Fashion, Afia, Style, Clothing, Africa, Design, Cross Culture, Fair Trade, Meghan Sebold
Yellow Leaf
Yellow Leaf (黄色的叶子)旨在在微观经济上为少数团体设计转变,如Mlabri利用他们的工匠人才针对创建微观经济的Hammocks,这个Hammocks将维护好他们之前的状态,同时又使他们的文化身份得到提升,额外的好处是, Hammocks已经成为加强公民权利、打击毁林、创建基本设施和实现金融安全的一个重要途径。
Tags: Hammock, Thailand, Yellow Leaf, Fair Trade
Eco Forms
Our Company is a family founded business that grew out of the desire to find an alternative to plastic pots. Our pots are made from renewable grain fibers and are biodegradable, meeting our customers’ need to support sustainable gardening practices. The commitment to sustainability doesn’t end with our products. Our facility is solar powered and our local delivery trucks run on 100% bio-diesel. With over 30 years of experience as wholesale organic growers, our family proudly stands behind our eco-friendly products.
Tags: Plants, Garden, Eco-Friendly, Eco Forms, Pots
Cold Spring Apothecary
Cold Spring Apothecary’s goal is to provide our customers with the safest alternatives to the harmful chemicals used in most cosmetics. By producing our products in small batches we can ensure that only the highest quality ingredients are used. We are continually researching and adding to our ingredient list making sure we are using the best and latest green alternative ingredients we can.
Tags: Cold Spring Apothecary, Beauty, Chemical Free, Cosmetics
With the high cost of fossil fuel driving up the cost of shipping, we saw the price of good
imported wines rising out of range for the average buyer. In our search for a way to lower these costs for quality-conscious wine drinkers, we found a solution that is also great for the environment. Then we got a little “greener” by partnering with organic wineries that use only traditional, natural winemaking processes.
The result? Great tasting, certified organic wine that’s better for the planet and
available at a great price.
Tags: Yellow+Blue, Wine, Organic, Matt Cain, Drink, Vineyard, Carbon Footprint, Planet, Environment
Seventh Generation
Seventh Generation is the nation’s leading brand of household and personal care products that help protect human health and the environment.  Established in 1988, the Burlington, Vermont based company remains an independent, privately-held company distributing products to natural food stores, supermarkets, mass merchants, and online retailers across the United States and Canada.
Tags: Seventh Generation, Household, Personal Care, Environment
FreshPaper™ by Fenugreen
FreshPaper™by Fenugreen is a simple piece of paper that keeps fruits & veggies fresh for 2-4 times longer, organically. Often described as a "dryer sheet for produce," one small (5" x 5") FreshPaper sheet can simply be dropped into a fridge drawer, carton, bag, or container filled with produce.
Fenugreen is addressing the enormous, yet often overlooked, global challenge of food spoilage with a simple innovation - FreshPaper. 
Tags: Fenugreen, FreshPaper, Kavita Shukla, India, Produce, Fresh, Fruits, Vegetables, Storage, Refrigeration, Shelf Life, Food, Nourishment, Food Pantry, Food Bank, Organic, Recyclable
Striiv 是第一台智能计步器。Striiv了解您行为和促使你走得更多。Striiv根据您的活动水平创建个人挑战,使您好似步行了一整天从而达到健康目标。这是健身,为了我们。Striiv的活动动机系统是由权威专家在游戏设计和行为变化里设计的,心中的唯一目标就是:让您走得更多。获得一个慈善捐赠、与您的朋友比赛穿过金门大桥,或燃烧掉相当于一个冰淇淋圣代的量。您玩Striiv越多,运动得就越多。
Tags: Striiv, Pedometer, Social, Walking
Ladyfingers Letterpress
Ladyfingers Letterpress 不仅仅是一个。作为设计师、艺术家和工匠,我们训练有素的专业知识、富有远见的方法和我们的创意激情投入到每个项目中去。我们把每一个新邀请看作是一个为您打造真正个性化和独特工艺的机会。
Tags: Ladyfingers Letters, LGBTQ, Printshop, Invitations
Love With Food
Love With Food:每个月只需要10美元就可以得到由美食家推荐的美食。每订购一份,我们将捐献一份午餐。
Tags: Love With Food, Gourmet, Treats, Delicious, Donation, Food, Hungry, Feed, Subscription, Aihui Ong, Delivery
Project 7
我们的产品质量过硬。Project 7 的好产品遍布全球。人们每天都可以买到如瓶装水,口香糖,薄荷糖,咖啡等日常用品。Project 7 产品采购的每个环节,都会满足以下7个方面的目的——让人民有饭可食,有水可喝,有病可医,有房可住,有学可上,爱好和平从而拯救地球。
Tags: Project 7, Consumer Goods, Project, 7
Preloved 创新地使用一种回收复古面料来做服装。我们热爱设计并以可持续发展为理念。想要设计出具有适合性,舒适性和风格的服装一直是我们前进的动力。
Tags: Design, Fashion, Clothes, Vintage
John Patrick Organic
John Patrick的ORGANIC是关于有良知时尚。这是一个诞生一种欣赏和尊重自然的服装品牌,一种对我们生活的世界的关怀和回馈社会的渴望。ORGANIC是为别致的女人而生,她们理解风格和豪华也有社会意识并真正关心她的服装来自哪里、怎样制程度的。
Tags: Organic, Clothes, Design, Fashion, John Patrick, John Patrick Organic, Style
Clary Sage Organics
Clary Sage Organics 坚持信念要让人们过上健康、周到、有生态环保责任的生活。为此,他们的商店为人的整体健康而服务,提供最好的有机时装、美容产品和全面而历史悠久的自然医学项目。
Tags: Fashion, Organic, Beauty, Ecology, Holistic Wellness, Ecological
Andean Collection
Andean Collection was founded to bring sustainable change to impoverished communities in South America. We offer artisans the opportunity to participate in the global market while inspiring our customers with access to the elusive world of the rural Andes through clothing and jewelry. We have a non-profit arm, Andean Project, to ensure that this change is productive and healthy and to address other poverty related social issues, all funded through our sales and private donations.
Tags: Sustainability, Clothing, Jewelery, Artisans, Ecuador
Peg and Awl
我们是一对夫妻,育有一对男孩,他们分别叫Søren 和Silas。我们在费城的Penna区生活和工作。我们的产品来自一些旧东西,那些被人们遗失、疏忽、丢掉的东西都是我们宝藏。将这些东西回收,再制作,使之成为令人惊叹的艺术品。曾经,我们这么做只是自娱自乐,现在,大家都可以向我们订货了。
Tags: Shopping, Peg And Awl, Design, Home, Refurbished, Reclaimed, Treasures, Walter And Margaux Kent, Abandoned, Philadelphia
Twins For Peace
Initially, we developed a one for one model: for each pair of TWINS sold, we donated a pair of shoes to a child in need. We produced the donated pair of children’s shoes in the Donation Project country to help the local economy and avoid displacing workers. 

In partnership with SOS ...Enfant, we now donate medical supplies, school tuition, books and supplies to children living in impoverished countries. 
Each time a sneaker is purchased another pair is donated to a child in need. 
Tags: Twins For Peace, Shoes, Donate
KeepCup 是第一种达到可重复使用标准的杯子。 KeepCups 并不是热水瓶,因为它有类似纸的热性能,但是它能复制一次性纸杯的功能。KeepCups 不密封,但防溅,不含双酚A ,无毒。
Tags: KeepCup, Barista, Cup
我们的ECOlunchbox 产品都是由无毒材料生产的,每个人都可以安全使用。我们提供不含BPA的不锈钢饭盒和可机洗的棉午餐袋。
Tags: Meals, Food, Eco, Environment, Sustainable, India, Textile, Cotton, Artisans, Print, Steel
L. 是一个有志向的避孕套公司,我们通过性行为的增能支持全球的妇女。我们为现代消费者提供高质量的避孕套,它们安全、舒适和富有设计性。我们的品牌代表了一种消费者的选择运动,他们希望有更好的性体验、更好的事业和更好的世界。我们任务的核心是与发展的组织合作来支持妇女和阻止艾滋病。每售出一个避孕套,我们都会发放一个避孕套在发展中国家。
Tags: L., Condoms, Safe Sex, Africa, HIV/AIDS, Prevention, Talia Frenkel
The Brave Collection
我们的手镯说“Klahan”(Klaa-han),意思是柬埔寨语言“高棉”(Khem-eye)中的“勇敢”。灵感来自于勇敢性贩运幸存者,The Brave Collection生于一个渴望洗掉联想如此敏感题材的禁忌,并创造一个促使人们交流有关现代奴隶制真实性的催化剂。我们的团队包括公平贸易柬埔寨地区、纽约和洛杉矶的时尚潮人。我们可以一起对抗残忍高潮,它摧残着金边到曼哈顿的妇女儿童的生命。
Tags: Cambodia, Trafficking, Bracelets, Jewelry, Jessica Hendricks, Fashion, Design, Accessories, Bravery
LSTN Headphones
Tags: LSTN Headphones, Deaf, Children, Africa, Wood, Hear, Hearing Aids, One For One, Upcycle
Bamboo Bottle
Tags: Bamboo Bottle, Water, Bottle, Nature, Design, Style, Glass, Plastic
KAMMOK 生产的是新型的超轻野营吊床,我们的床能够舒舒服服地睡上一个人。我们的面料比新生婴儿屁股还要柔软;用防水压缩袋收起来的话也不占地方,只有一只河豚大小;而重量大约也只有一磅而已。Kammok曾经协同“Malaria No More”组织一起在非洲为其家庭提供经过特别处理过的蚊帐并教授家庭成员相关健康知识以抗击疟疾。我们收入的1%将会通过国际儿童组织捐赠给那些倡导环境保护和可持续发展的组织,特别是那些致力于与肯尼亚社区一起,为在Maai Mahiu, Kenya提供可持续改变资源的组织。
Tags: Kammok, Camping, Hammocks, Roo, Malaria No More, Comfort The Children International
Naked Binder
自2008年创建开始,Naked Binder已经呈现多重目标:可持续发展,蓝图宏伟,保护荒地,回馈教育等。我们设计出最强的最具可持续发展的3环粘合剂,以减少在制造、加工和运输方面产生的浪费。我们的粘合剂,装订器在美国的 Des Moines、 IA 都获得了FSC证书,特别是100%消费后废物粘合剂板,100%棉布,另外,还有一些纸张和金属环也获得了FSC证书。我们的产品绝对不含塑料、乙烯基或其他毒素。
Tags: Naked Binder, Supplies, Recyclable, Durable, Des Moines, FSC, Non Toxic
Njabini Apparel
我们雇佣肯尼亚Njabini的弱势妇女参与社会性的商业活动。这些工作不只是为了糊口,它们开启了女性的经济赋权运动,并积极地影响所在的社区。 你的每一次购买都让我们能在启发和鼓励他人相信自身能量的道路上走得更远。
Tags: Njabini, Apparel, Kenya, Knit, Scarves, Clothing, Africa, College, Women, Empowerment, Mothers
The Clarity Project
The Clarity Project 是一个致力于提高个体采矿者及其社区生活质量的珠宝社会企业。我们的原材料只是钻石、宝石和金属,但是却可以做出美丽的珠宝,同时,我们将所有的利润都投资于学校修建和挖掘区的土地恢复事业。我们的每一决定都是为了为矿工及其社区带来最大利益。
Tags: Jewelry, Miners, Diamonds, Gems, Metals, The Clarity Project, Artisanal
Jewelry For a Cause
Jewelry for a Cause 创造闪耀着良好愿望的珠宝。我们的任务是打造珠宝并使之成为公益组织的筹款和营销工具。
Tags: Jewelry, Fundraise, Nonprofit, Jessica Mindich
Linhardt Design
Linhardt Design 是一个总部位于纽约的,制作又精致又时尚的珠宝坊,因其超乎寻常的设计,再加上对社会和环境负责任的做法对此行业产生了革命性的影响。Linhardt 通过只使用回收的贵重金属和从矿区直销到市场的宝石,将设计的复杂性与可持续发展的最高原则融合在一起。每次珠宝公司( Linhardt在本地的制造商)都会将工作外包,为曼哈顿钻石区的人们提供工作的同时也使我们的供应链更加透明。 Linhardt Design 是每位女士都值得拥有的,我们通过BCorp认证的企业收益的一定百分比将会被捐赠用于非洲女孩的教育事业。
Tags: Fashion, Jewelry, Linhardt, Africa, Education
Pame Designs
Pame Designs 珠宝行的珠宝设计混合了时尚,自然与建筑等所有因素为一体。我们是创建和维持一个有活力的企业,并将既得利益的一部分反馈给提供原料的各个国家。 为了使我们热爱的海洋能保持健康,持续自然,我们将卖珠宝所获得的一部分利益捐赠给了Surfrider.org或Waterkeeper联盟,以帮助保护并维持河流和海洋的健康。
Tags: Pame Designs, Jewelry, Oceans, Fashion, Pam Sweeney
Fresh Words Market
Fresh Words Market 是一个让大人小孩都聚在一起的艺术空间。但是FWM并不仅仅是单纯的艺术收集,它更像是一场运动。FWM卖出的每本印刷品,都会捐赠收入的10%给世界上那些倡导主动性的妇女和孩子。我们坚信,伟大的艺术与热情帮助最需要的人们来改变世界是紧密联系在一起的。
Tags: Fresh Words Market, Rebecca Peragine, Art, Design, ECommerce, Philanthropy, Online Store, Prints, Inspiration, Motivation, Doing Good
Flex Watches
Flex Watches 的创业目标就是为了激发变化,并已经开始促使钟表业开始改变。 Flex 不只是一枚腕表,更是一个代表着我们向往的生活方式的品牌。不同颜色的腕表代表了不同的慈善机构,每个我们合作的慈善机构都会得到相当于手表价格10%的款项支持。 我们制定10-10-10标准( 10种颜色| 10个慈善机构| 10% 的善款)是希望通过独特的丰富多彩的产品来引起大家的重视。我们的手表不只能看时间,他们更有意义。
Tags: Flex Watches, Watches, Accessories, Design, Fashion, ECommerce
Three Avocados
Three Avocados是一个乌干达咖啡品牌,他们为全世界的咖啡爱好者提供具有社会责任感的咖啡。100%的盈利用于在乌干达建设清洁水能源项目。
Lonesome George & Co.
Lonesome George & Co.是一家结合品牌服装及体验教育为一体的社会企业组织,目的是为了引起人们思想上的转变,实现全球相互依存。我们是变革的推动者。
Tags: Lonesome George & Co., Clothing, Galapagos, Island, Conservation, Social Enterprise, Peru, Organic Cotton, Agents Of Change, Outward Bound Ecuador Foundation, Ashoka Youth Venture, Scalesia Foundation, Galapagos Tortoise Programme
Saving The World T-shirts
我们卖的每个东西都会捐赠既得利益的25 %,50 % ,甚至100% ,给已经登记过的501(c)(3)等公益组织,以此为世界做出贡献!
Tags: Saving The World T-Shirts, T-Shirt, Charity, Donation, ECommerce, Clothes
Tags: Bogobrush, Toothbrush, Dental Care, Teeth, Smile, Hygiene, Dentist, Heather And John McDougall, Biodegradable, Bamboo, Mouth
EQO Optics
EQO Optics是一个建立在科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯的小合伙企业。我们致力于通过把回收社区捐赠滑板做成高质量、创新的产品来减少当地的垃圾。每一副太阳镜都是由当地回收的滑板手工制作完成,提供了一个独特个性的形象。除了环保&持久自然的色调,我们让它保有质量上等的卡尔蔡司偏振镜片!
Tags: EQO Optics, Upcycling, Recycling, Skateboards, Skateboarding, Coloardo, I Ride I Recycle, Riding, Optic, Sunglasses, Shades
PACT 其实是伪装成服装公司的一场运动。我们都非常痴迷于一个伟大的想法:衣服可以使世界变得更美好。但是,拯救地球需要经费,所以我们决定建立一个企业来为伟大的事业筹集资金。我们以做一些基本必备品起家,如:有灵魂的袜子,极端利他的内衣等其他手感好又环境的日常必需品。
Tags: PACT, Clothing, Company, Underwear, Undergarments, Cotton, Change, Social Causes, Sustainable
The Empowerment Plan
The Empowerment Plan 是一个总部设在底特律市的人道主义事业。该计划中心围绕着一件能自热、防水、晚上睡觉还能当睡袋的大衣。该大衣是由一些无家可归的妇女制作的,她们能免费学习并为那些只能住在街边的人们生产此大衣。我们的重点为那些需要却缺少大衣,同时应该拥有一件大衣的人们创造就业机会。我们关注的从来就不是生产的产品,而是参与生产的那些人。
Tags: The Empowerment Plan, Homeless, Veronika Scott, Design, Train, Nonprofit, Detroit, Jacket, Coat, Sleeping Bag, Warm