
Body and Soul
Body & Soul®是一个非营利的国际健身组织。我们热爱运动,我们非常认真。我们理解开发和维持一个健康的生活方式,是让我们这具被赐予的“肉体”保持良好的一部分。
Tags: Body And Soul, Health, Fitness, Exercise, Spirituality
The Transcendental Meditation Program
Tags: Spirituality, The Transcendental Meditation Program, TM, Maharishi, Meditation
Tags: Beliefnet, Spirituality, Belief
Goodlife Zen
你每周都可以从GOODLIFE ZEN找到实用的灵感。获取一个新的关于人生的角度,找到创造性的方法来让你最疯狂的梦想成真,成为你希望成为的。 GOODLIFE ZEN是一个热情好客的社区,尊重每个人的贡献。您可以在评论部分加入到有趣的对话中,或只是坐下来,并受到启发。
Tags: Goodlife Zen, Spirituality
Spirituality & Health
We report on the people, the practices, and the ideas of the current spiritual renaissance. We offer self-tests, guidance on spiritual practices, reviews of the latest resources for people on spiritual journeys, inspiration and insights from leading teachers, researchers, and practitioners, and a forum for the active exchange of ideas among various disciplines and communities.
Tags: Spirituality, Spirituality & Health
Spiritual Cinema Circle
The Spiritual Cinema Circle originally grew out of collaboration between film producer Stephen Simon and psychologists Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks. Stephen had produced many beloved movies with spiritual themes, such as "Somewhere In Time" and "What Dreams May Come," and had given hundreds of talks and seminars on the emerging genre of Spiritual Cinema. During that time The Hendricks had created a non-profit foundation dedicated to creating a new consciousness in mass media.
Tags: The Spiritual Cinema Circle, Spirituality, Movie
The Happiness Project
Gretchen Rubin 写了好几本书,包括纽约时代杂志和国际上的畅销书——快乐计划,这本书讲述了她尝试通过年龄的智慧、现有科学研究和流行文化的教训试图变得更快乐的一年。在她大热的博客快乐计划上,她每天都会记叙追寻快乐的冒险过程。
Tags: Gretchen Rubin, Happiness, Emotions, Lifestyle, The Happiness Project
The Global Appreciation Project
The Global Appreciation Project 试图通过全球性的感恩和欣赏的项目让这个世界变得更快乐更健康。在365daysofappreciation.com的启发下,G.A.P. Project 收集世界各地的博客、音乐、书本、电影、艺术和言行录,并以不同的方式展示并培养感恩的情怀。
Tags: The Global Appreciation Project, Appreciation, Gratitude, Thanksgiving, Blog, Tumblr, Krissa Curran, Inspiration, Change